Chris Hemsworth is the superhero, the man and the father we would all like to be.

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Chris Hemsworth not only represents the man of Boss Bottled today, but also the man we would all like to be. He will never stop being Thor, so he will never stop being our hero.
Chris Hemsworth GQ Interview

Chris Hemsworth has declared that, if it were for him, he would never stop being Thor . Of course, and despite what his characterization in ‘Avengers: Endgame’ made you believe, the guy still has the heart of a Norse god . So when I turn around in search of an orange juice and stumble across it by chance at the breakfast buffet at the Corinthia Hotel in London, my first impression is of crashing into a wall. It is half past seven in the morning. He is dressed in jeans and a gray cotton shirt that barely contains his bicepsand, unintentionally, I have gotten into his personal space. I look at him with a surprised face and I must have opened my eyes wide because he raises his eyebrows and smiles at me with a sympathetic gesture that is not self-indulgent. ‘Yes, I’m Chris Hemsworth, you’ve discovered me’, he seems to mean with that kind rictus and, probably, a thousand times rehearsed in front of the fans. Only that I’m not a fan and, after months of negotiating and preparing this story, I could have recognized it with the restaurant lights off. But he does not have to know it. “Hi, I’m part of the GQ team that will be doing the report with you in a while,” I told him point blank. Now, the surprised one is the actor. “Oh great”. His smile widens.”Chris”, he presents himself holding out his hand, as if now he feels that it is necessary. “Hector,” I reply corresponding to his greeting. “Ok, see you in a while,” he concludes. Afterwards, he goes to his table; and I serve my orange juice.

Several hours later, I find myself in a crowded suite at the Cafe Royal Hotel, where we are going to shoot the photographs that accompany this story. The photographer and his assistants, the stylists, makeup artists, executives of Hugo Boss and other staff members flit from one side to the other, seeking the final touches to the production. The turmoil that precedes a genuine Hollywood star. When it’s time to start, calm is imposed. Several hours later, I find myself in a crowded suite at the Cafe Royal Hotel, where we are going to shoot the photographs for this story. The photographer and his assistants, the stylists, make-up artists, executives of Hugo Boss and other members of the staff move from one place to another giving the final touches to the production. The excitement that precedes a genuine Hollywood star. When it’s time to start, calm is imposed. Everything is ready. The actor makes an appearance in the suite with the same affable gesture of the morning and cowboy walks. Narrow hands all over the place. ‘I already greeted you this morning’, he says to me with a half smile. It’s time to start shooting Chris, to portray the superhero, the man, the father, the actor.

Image may contain Human Person Finger Owen Chase and Skin

The superhero

We are April 12 and just two weeks before the release of the fourth installment of ‘The Avengers’, the brilliant rubric of the first cycle of feature films Marvel that opened in 2008 with ‘ Iron Man ‘. It is the last installment left to Chris Hemsworth to finish his eight-year contract as Thor , so the title promotion tour has also been, in a way, a farewell tour of the character.A goodbye to the superhero (or, at least, to a first phase of that superhero, waiting to see what the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe holds). He has gotten into his skin throughout seven adventures since 2011, and the actor does not hide the huge impact he has had on his career. “The Marvel films have opened all the doors to me, all the opportunities that have come after have been because of this franchise,” he tells us. “It has offered me many options, creatively speaking, and it has also dramatically changed my life in a very positive way.It is very satisfying to play a character over ten years, to be able to revisit him and try new things each time and change the direction of what, I suppose, people expect from him. There is great satisfaction in exploring different paths and getting them to remain unpredictable. It has been a real blessing, one that you do not normally have the opportunity to enjoy. ”

After a photo session a little faster than expected, we were able to finally sit down to talk on a sofa. If in front of the camera Chris is a scenic animal that is known to perfection, that does not doubt and always offers its best shot, in front of the recorder it is also quick and insightful. I try to throw the first question and interrupt to send everyone to silence in the room. “Excuse me, it’s just so we can understand each other.” His voice is deep and deep, as one expects from a superhero. I think that this must sound, more or less, a quarrel (educated) of the god of thunder.

Image may contain Chris Hemsworth Human Person Clothing Apparel Art Architecture Building and Painting

GQ: One of the things that are often overlooked by Thor is that he is a very rich character. It has comedy, tragedy, drama … Does playing it have made you a better actor?

CHRIS HEMSWORTH: Of course, every role you play is an opportunity to learn something and grow as an artist. But, with this one in particular, there is also the fact of having worked with many different directors and actors. All of them constantly test you in many ways and you learn different things from different situations and people. For all that, I am very grateful for the experience.

GQ: Indeed, in these films you have worked with big names in the industry, like Anthony Hopkins or Kenneth Branagh. What have you learned from them?

CH: Kenneth Branagh was the first director I worked with on ‘Thor’ and he gave me great confidence in the direction I could take with the character and where I could take him. What I really learned with him was to keep trying different things, to never settle for an idea, to put in the film all the options you can, that versatile approach to shaping a character. As for Anthony Hopkins, just give him the replica in the camera and watch him act, or contemplate the way he behaves on the set, not only as an actor, but as a human being, and how he treats people, is something that I will always take with me. He has that genuine and open warmth, he treats everyone exactly the same, with great respect, it’s always wonderful to be around him.

GQ: Have you made friends for a lifetime thanks to these movies?

CH: Yes, totally. This experience has been a bit like the institute. We have worked together for ten years, some of us have married and had children, and we have all experienced this incredible journey, not only in the movies, but also outside of them. We are like a family. I feel more than fortunate not only because I have been able to work with these people for a decade, but because of the fact that they are incredibly good and fun people.

GQ: Is it cool to interpeter a superhero ?

CH: Yes, it’s fun.

GQ: Is it hard to finally take off the costume when the movie ends?

CH: No, I take it off very quickly. I’m happy to take it off because it’s quite uncomfortable. Let’s see, obviously it’s great to put on the suit and have all those weapons and that real wardrobe. You feel like a big boy playing dress up. It is as ridiculous as impressive and fun. I really enjoy it, but after four months of using that ‘thing’, I’m ready to throw it away.

GQ: One of the consequences of playing a character like Thor is having to deal with fans of comics. How has your relationship with them been during these years?

CH: Fantastic I would not call it ‘consequence’ in any way. The first time I played it, I was fully aware of the fact that there was a very strong fan base that was incredibly protective of the character. That earned me some anxiety when I played the character for the first time. But once we released that first film, the fans adopted it and have been with us since then and, basically, they have kept us with work. You know, they allow us to continue living this dream, interpret these characters and give them life; without them none of us would be here having this conversation about the incredible journey we have been on.

GQ: What superpower would you like to have?

CH: Just for pure pleasure, I think the ability to fly would be wonderful. If we already talked about changing the world, if I had some of Thor’s super powers to control the weather, I could stop climate change and have some positive effects on our weather patterns and on the planet.

GQ: And what is your superpower in real life?

CH: I do not know. It is always difficult to answer that. It is always better to ask someone what he thinks of you. I do not know, I think I’m aware of … I would not call it superpower, but I know that having a good conscience of my place, somehow, anywhere I meet people, or at home or with my family and friends, I am aware of how my actions can have a positive or negative effect. I believe that the mere fact of having that awareness of yourself puts you in a good position to treat people well and not be complacent with your actions. Well, maybe it’s not a superpower. I do not know.

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The man

Chris may have the body of a comic book hero, but his Thor, on the other hand, is deeply human; a fallible god, who is wrong, who laughs at himself, who accepts his limitations and evolves over time. Somehow, when you meet him you realize that he has a lot of the actor himself. This modern and risky approach is undoubtedly responsible for a large part of its success. The sense of humor shown by the character in the third film of the saga, practically a comedy, changed forever our way of seeing the superheroes. “It’s the most fun to shoot, because it was very different from what we had done beforeand it was very satisfying to get rid of the expectations that the audience or myself had about the character. In a way, I thought that everything was starting to look too familiar. We were safe, we were not taking risks, in this film we saw ourselves in the situation of walking on the edge between destroying the character or creating something unique and fun, “says Hemsworth about” Thor: Ragnarok. “” It was a real lesson. I think the area where you have to stay when you act is one in which you feel you have never been,because if everything does not become predictable, there is no spontaneity. The last two films of The Avengers were so funny because Joe and Anthony Russo also wanted to expand the limits and explore the different ways of the character again. So as long as I continue to work with people who are bold enough to keep looking for new items, I’ll still be happy. ”

Chris is not only a happy man, he also looks like him. Why should not it be? Successful actor, happily married since 2010 with the actress Elsa Pataky, father of three children and international sex symbol, the middle of the Hemsworth – actors are also his brothers Liam and Luke – is, in some way, the man that a great majority of men dreams of being. Inevitably manly, sensitive, funny, rich, famous … And surfer. Also surfer. It would be difficult to find a type that better embodies the values ​​of today’s man. It’s normal for a brand like Hugo Boss to want him to wear the Man of Today suit in his Boss Bottled campaign,in which the one from Melbourne declares a manifesto in favor of integrity and honesty and against toxic masculinity. “It was all a compliment that they asked me, I felt a kind of pride in that they agreed that I embodied those traits.” The brand is an iconic brand, it has existed for many years and already had a large number of followers and support before I think that the messages are really accurate. ” The successful franchise also launches a new eau de parfum, Boss Bottled Infinite, for which Chris has made a campaign focused on nature and the sea. “The Boss Bottled Infinite campaign tries to get away from the hustle and bustle of cities and get back to nature.Everything was centered around the ocean, which is my favorite place of disconnection on earth, the place I love the most. But I think it’s a reminder for everyone, just to take stock, pause, appreciate this moment. It’s about going to the place that gives you a sense of connection to the earth and lets you escape a little. ”

Image may contain Chris Hemsworth Human Person Clothing Apparel Road Skin Vehicle Transportation and Automobile

Somehow, Chris has not only been able to strip his Thor of almost all the sexist clichés of the genre, but he has also managed to establish himself as a representative of a modern and unconcealed masculinity.A most interesting cinematic journey, if we consider that it began with his brilliant interpretation of James Hunt, the most womanizing and vicious pilot in the history of Formula 1, in ‘Rush’. “I think that masculinity is simply about being comfortable in your own skin, not feeling that you have to circumscribe yourself to a set of rules, of course, you have to live according to a moral code, but without feeling that there is only one version of masculinity. I think it’s more about integrity, respect, empathy and honesty, and less about dressing in a particular way or adopting a certain posture or talking in a certain way, I think we have put aside all those clichés that supposedly embody masculinity and now it’s just about being true to yourself and being respectful. ”

GQ: Speaking of masculinity. For some years, in comics, Thor was a woman. What do you think of the current trend of superheroines in Hollywood?

CH: I think it’s something fantastic. Obviously, there was a period in the history of cinema or a time when people did not think you could have a female protagonist as a hero or superhero or whatever. There was a lack of opportunities for women, and there I think Marvel has always been ahead: they have embraced the idea of ​​equality by representing all corners of society, gender, race, etc. I mean, ‘Captain Marvel’ was released recently and grossed more than most previous Marvel films, and that was an unknown character, so it shows that it’s really possible. I think that for the current generation, for my children in particular, there is no difference in whether it is a man or a woman. What they fall in love with is the characters, the honesty and the truth that these characters represent, the fantastic elements of the world they inhabit and the superpowers they embody. In the end it is a true connection with the audience. Yes, I think it’s great that we are adopting that idea, that we see much more equality on the screen and go in the right direction.

GQ: Who have been the most important feminine presences in your life?

CH: My mom, definitely. My mother greatly supported any trip that my brothers and I wanted to take, and created a very loving and supportive environment for us to grow up. A very empathetic, kind, generous person who guided by example. It’s something I try to hold on to, what I aspire to, something that I strive to be and of course something that I teach my children.

GQ: In the films of ‘The Avengers’ there is always the idea of ​​sacrifice for the common good. Is that your idea of ​​how a real hero is in real life?

CH: Yes, I think there is a quality of generosity that everyone embodies, often to protect other people. Disinterestedness is a common trait in anyone who does something heroic, put aside their own well-being and security, and that is an admirable quality. I think that all, or at least most people, embody a part of that, but leave it aside or do not recognize it or do not accept it. I believe that the true heroes in real life are those who are protecting others.

GQ: Who comes to your mind when you think of that kind of hero?

CH: My dad has worked in child protection for many years. He was out there protecting those of us who are most vulnerable: the children. Also aware of the abuse and the traumatic effects they have and the domino effect they exert through society. You know, the most influential years of our lives are when we are children, and if you do not grow up in an environment of love and support, then the repercussions for the rest of your life can be enormously dramatic; and, again, he is someone I admire very much for the work he has done in that field.

Image may contain Human Person Man and Chris Hemsworth

The father

The portrait of Chris Hemsworth would be incomplete without talking about his family side. We do not know if, as many female voices claim, being a good father is the new sexy, but the Australian actor is a regular in the top positions of the most attractive men’s lists in the world (it was even number 1 for the People magazine in 2014) and that of the best parents (and, therefore, also that of the sexiest parents). The images of Thor surfing, fishing or dancing with their three children have become viral to the delight of their fans, who have also adopted him as a hero of feminism: an unappealable icon for their ability to connect through their work with men and women of all ages.

Chris does not tire of saying that there is nothing he likes more than being with his family, to the point that he includes his offspring in his fitness routine: “I train in the gym thirty minutes or an hour most days , but I also try to keep moving, I surf a lot, and I also spend a lot of time outside with my children, running from one place to another with them and keeping their pace is also a whole workout. ”

The Australian actor has also acknowledged making sacrifices in his career to care for his progeny. The decision to leave the movie mecca to Australia, where he lives today (in Byron Bay, on the eastern end of the island) , had a lot to do with it.

GQ: Something weird about you is that, when you were at the top of your Hollywood career, you decided to move to Australia with your family. You have repented?

CH: No, it was the best decision we made as a family. We had both been in Los Angeles for about ten years, and we had had some wonderful experiences. That’s where my career started and I’ll always be grateful for that, but we really did not want to raise kids there. We wanted to be closer to nature and with less people around. Now we live in a quiet surf town.We have horses and a lot of animals, a very farm-like life. Also, the people we interact with, our friends there, have nothing to do with Hollywood or the industry, so we have different conversations, and I feel like a more complete person. I think we both feel that way, interacting with people with different lifestyles and very different experiences, while, when I was in Los Angeles, I felt like I was a bit suffocating, constantly talking about the business and acting in movies and all that. In order to embody other characters, you need to have different life experiences from which you can start. Certainly, we get that from where we are and our children are also incredibly happy there, and that was the main and most important reason for us.

GQ: How do you balance your career with your family?

CH: It’s always a challenge because both things go in very different ways. The important thing is to try to travel together as much as we can. I’m getting to a point where I probably want to work less, just to be able to be more at home, but if we’re going to take the kids out of school for four months on a shoot, we also have to consider where the movie takes place and if it is an environment that we want them to be part of. So the older my children become, the more things I have to take into account when choosing a paper. Yes, it is always a challenge and, fortunately, both Elsa and I have great mutual support to be able to remain creative and fill that part of our soul.Because if I stopped completely, on the one hand I could justify it by saying that I would be with children full time, but I think we all need not only to be with our family, but also to do things that inspire us and allow us to creatively explore new facets of ourselves same. I get it from surfing, I get it from trips and I get it from acting. It’s a hobby for me, I still do not think it’s work. The day it starts to feel like a job, I think I’ll probably leave it.

GQ: Your wife, Elsa Pataky, has said many times that she teaches Spanish culture and language to her children. Do you try the same with you? What things do you know about our country?

CH: We spent a few weeks in San Sebastian and I loved it. Removing Australia, San Sebastian is probably the next place where I could live. I love. The food is amazing and the people are amazing. And there is a great surf there. All my children speak Spanish fluently and unfortunately I can not. I feel that my memory has been so busy learning screenplays that there has not been room to learn another language.

GQ: That’s probably the worst excuse in history …

CH: (laughs) It’s my current excuse with Elsa and the truth is that she does not believe it either. He constantly tells me that it is not enough. I just have not had time. I mean, I feel that I understand more than I speak, but I need to spend more time in Spain. I will blame my children for a second, because I try to speak to them in Spanish and they say no, they do not even consider the idea.

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The future

With Thor’s cloak hanging (at least for now) in the closet, it’s up to Chris to think about the future. He prefers not to comment on the direction his career will take when his physical Herculean ceases to be his cover letter, but he does recognize that comedy is on his road map: “If I am honest, for me acting has always been associated What makes me happy, it has to be fun and I have to have fun doing it, the moment it becomes too serious or too intense, or when I take myself too seriously, then I stop enjoying it. I mean by that you just want to do comedies, depending on the way you approach it, you can play a dramatic role and the process is still pleasant. ”

It has already been announced that Netflix will star in the biopic of another very unique hero: Hulk Hogan. But the next thing that will come to our billboards is ‘ Men In Black International’, the third sequel to one of Hollywood’s biggest blockbuster comic sagas: “I loved the original franchise, we wanted to give it a more international feel, so it’s not just set in the urban landscape of New York, going to Morocco, going to Italy, to London … I think that aesthetically it looks very different and allows different types of humor to exist due to the international element, but staying true to what people He loved the original movie. ”

With this last question, our interview ends. Actually, a few minutes ago the clock marks the end of our time with Chris. “We have managed to finish everything, we are made real professionals”, I joke with him. “Yes, we are true professionals, thank you, uncle.” He shakes my hand for the third time in the day. Afterwards, he lifts his ninety cubits of humanity and muscle with surprising agility and leaves the room, like a bolt of bad lightning, on the way to his next commitment. Because for a star like him there is always a next commitment. Life, minutada to the millimeter in an Excel table. It may have left Thor behind forever, but for Chris Hemsworth, as the famous crooner used to sing, life goes on the same.


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