Tender Reunion: Homeless Cat’s Emotional Odyssey to Reunite with Her Sheltered Kittens

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Wrenn Rescues co-founder Alissa Smith was approached about four 10-day-old kittens in need of adoption. Staff at a Downey, California shelter were urgently attempting to locate these animals aid before they were killed.

“There was only 15 minutes left, and no one else could take them, but thankfully, a group got them out safely, and a wonderful woman named CJ transported them all the way to us in Ventura County, California.”

The kittens and their mother were discovered in someone’s yard, but she swiftly scurried away.

Ashley, a local rescuer, began bottle-feeding them throughout the night right away. Jenifer Hurt, the rescue center’s co-founder, fed them during the day.

Alissa explained:

“The kittens’ mother cat clearly looked after them. Orphaned kittens seldom see their mothers after arriving at the shelter. Another compelling reason to let the kittens alone (and wait for their mother) rather than transporting them to a shelter.

Ashley and Jennifer were ready to care for the kittens until they were weaned, but then something extraordinary happened.

Residents who had rescued the kittens returned home to discover the mother outdoors seeking for her children. So she was apprehended, and the cat was transported to a foster home the next day to be reunited with her kittens.

After the agony of losing her kittens, Spidey, as the cat was known, was first timid and refused to leave the crate until Ashley brought one of her pups close to her.

So the mother walked outside to join her kittens right away.

Ashley explained:

“She straightened up and purred in the center of her kittens. They all rushed up to her and began feeding her.”

The joyful mother purred and kneaded her paws as she fed her hungry offspring.

Alissa explained:

“I’m not sure we’ve ever seen something so reassuring. It’s incredible that this miracle occurred.”

Spidey was curled up against Ashley and purring when Ashley awoke the next morning.

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