Schoolgirl charged with killing transgender adolescent Because her suspected co-killer had the appearance of a low-budget Keanu Reeves movie hitman, Brianna Ghey gave him the moniker “Tesco John Wick.”

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A teenage girl accused of murdering Brianna Ghey stored the details of the boy she alleges carried out the ‘frenzied’ stabbing under the name of a movie hitman played by Keanu Reeves, a court heard today.

The 16-year-old, who denies murdering the transgender schoolgirl, admitted saving her co-defendant in her tablet as ‘Tesco John Wick’.

But she insisted this was not a reference to him being her ‘hitman’ but instead that he ‘looked like a less good version of John Wick, like a Tesco John Wick’.

The alleged killer – who is being referred to as Girl X – admitted agreeing a plan with co-accused Boy Y to stab Brianna to death and encouraging him to bring a sharp knife.

She today admitted that she ‘enjoyed’ the idea of the transgender schoolgirl dying ‘a horrible death’.

A teenage girl accused of murdering Brianna Ghey (pictured) stored the details of the boy she alleges carried out the 'frenzied' stabbing under the name of a movie hitman played by Keanu Reeves, a court heard today

A teenage girl accused of murdering Brianna Ghey (pictured) stored the details of the boy she alleges carried out the ‘frenzied’ stabbing under the name of a movie hitman played by Keanu Reeves, a court heard today

Brianna Grey was stabbed 28 times with a hunting knife on February 11, a court has been told

Brianna Grey was stabbed 28 times with a hunting knife on February 11, a court has been told

But she denied that she and the boy who she claims stabbed the 16-year-old after the trio met up in a park ‘turned your fantasy into reality’, insisting they only planned to ‘hang out’.

Girl X and Boy Y, who cannot be named as they are both 16, are accused of murdering Brianna in Culcheth Linear Park near Warrington, Cheshire on Saturday, February 11.

The schoolgirl was stabbed 28 times in a ‘frenzied’ attack and died at the scene.

The pair, who were both 15 at the time, are said to have been fascinated by torture, violence and death, while handwritten notes about serial killers were found in Girl X’s bedroom following her arrest.

Both deny Brianna’s murder, blaming each other, Manchester Crown Court has heard.

Yesterday Girl X told jurors that on the afternoon of Brianna’s death, she turned away to ‘stretch her legs’ and left her beside a bench with Boy Y when she heard ‘screaming’.

Asked by her barrister, Richard Pratt KC, what she saw when she turned around, Girl X replied: ‘I saw [Boy Y] stabbing Brianna.’

She then saw Brianna ‘fall and land face-down on the floor’, saying she felt ‘shocked’.

The court has heard that Girl X saved Boy Y’s contact details in her tablet computer as ‘Tesco John Wick’.

Cross-examined today by prosecutor Deanna Heer KC, she agreed that John Wick was a fictional movie ‘hitman’ or ‘assassin’ played by Keanu Reeves.

But she denied doing so because she regarded Boy Y as her ‘hitman’, insisting it was ‘a bit of a joke’ between them.

‘I said he looked like a less good version of John Wick, like a Tesco John Wick,’ she added.

Girl X, dressed today in a tartan dress and dark cardigan, and with her hair tied back, was giving her evidence screened from the public gallery by a curtain.

Trial judge Mrs Justice Yip told jurors this had been done to reduce ‘distractions’.

Today Girl X agreed she had ‘enjoyed’ the idea of her and Boy Y killing someone.

Asked why, Girl X answered: ‘I’m not exactly sure, I just found the overall thing quite interesting I guess.’

Girl X agreed that she liked the idea of ‘having power over someone’ and ‘being able to cause them pain and suffering’, and found knives ‘fascinating’.

Asked why she then began fantasising about killing Brianna, who she found ‘quite attractive’ and regarded as a ‘good friend’, Girl X said she ‘just randomly got thoughts’ about killing people, even if she was ‘really close to them’.

‘Did you find the idea of killing Brianna – who you were attracted to – exciting?’ Mrs Heer asked.

‘I guess so, yeah,’ Girl X answered.

‘Did you want to kill her because she was transgender?’


‘Did you think that she was prettier than you?’

‘In a way, yes.’

‘Did you think Brianna would be an easy person to kill?’

‘Possibly, yes.’

Asked if she thought Boy Y – who Girl X has claimed ‘didn’t exactly agree with people who were trans’ – would like the idea of killing Brianna because she was transgender, she replied: ‘Possibly, yes.’

Prosecutors have told the jury that the two youths planned to kill Brianna Grey (pictured)

Prosecutors have told the jury that the two youths planned to kill Brianna Grey (pictured)

Brianna Ghey's mother Esther Ghey arrives at Manchester Crown Court on November 27

Brianna Ghey’s mother Esther Ghey arrives at Manchester Crown Court on November 27

Jurors have heard that Boy Y and Girl X swapped messages at the end of January discussing trying to kill Brianna with an overdose of medication.

Around the same time, Brianna’s mother Esther found her ‘screaming and crying’ in her bedroom and saying: ‘I think I’m going to die.’

But she began to recover after throwing up.

Earlier in her evidence, Girl X claimed she and Brianna had gone to a supermarket and bought ‘random tablets’ to see if it would make them feel ‘high’, but instead just felt ‘a bit sick’.

She insisted she never gave Brianna any pills without her knowledge.

Today Mrs Heer read out messages in which Girl X suggested tricking Brianna into drinking acid by pouring it into a McDonald’s milkshake.

‘Did you think that would be a horrible death?’ Mrs Heer asked.

‘Possibly, yes,’ Girl X said.

‘Did you enjoy the idea?’

‘I think I did, yes.’

Today Mrs Heer asked her: ‘Did you think [Boy Y] did that because you told him to?’

‘No,’ she replied.

Girl X said the trio simply planned to ‘hang out’ in the park.

‘Is the real reason you wanted [Boy Y] to be there is you wanted [Boy Y] to help you kill Brianna?’ Mrs Heer asked.

‘No,’ she said.

Girl X also confirmed that a second alleged murder plan was found when police searched her bedroom related to Brianna.

The note describes slitting someone’s throat after giving her ‘alcohol, sleeping pills’ then dismembering the body and burying the pieces.

Earlier Boy Y’s barrister Richard Littler KC concluded his cross-examination of Girl X.

She agreed that a fantasy was something where you would ‘like it to happen’ but it probably never would.

Mr Littler asked: ‘Why would you have a fantasy about murdering your good friend?’

Girl X answered: ‘I’m not sure, I don’t know where it comes from.’

Girl X was challenged whether the reason she faked messages between herself and an imaginary drug dealer was to give herself more time while she was ‘trying to find the courage’ to stab Brianna.

Girl X denied this and said she just wanted to keep Brianna in the park because she rarely went out in Culcheth.

‘I’m going to suggest you stabbed Brianna and turned your fantasy into reality,’ Mr Littler said.

‘No,’ she answered.

No further witnesses or evidence are being called in Girl X’s defence, the jury was told.

They were then told Boy Y would be giving his evidence tomorrow by typing his responses as he had been diagnosed with ‘selective mutism’ following his arrest.

‘Although he has good overall understanding of language, following his remand he gradually stopped speaking to anyone except his mother,’ his junior counsel Stephen Swift said.

Mr Swift said that although the condition was described as ‘selective’, in reality ‘[Boy Y’s] silence is not a matter of choice’.

People leave flowers near Linear Park in Culcheth in February where Brianna Ghey was found

People leave flowers near Linear Park in Culcheth in February where Brianna Ghey was found

The judge said it had been accepted that in order for Boy Y to have the opportunity to give his evidence, he would therefore type his answers which would then be read to the jury.

Concluding her cross-examination of Girl X earlier, Mrs Heer asked why she hadn’t tried to step in when Boy Y allegedly stabbed Brianna.

She replied that she feared it ‘could go badly wrong for me if I intervened’.

Boy Y had started to run off, and after finding no sign that Brianna was breathing she followed suit, she said.

‘It wasn’t going to look great with me stood by Brianna so I just ran,’ she added.

Girl X insisted she was ‘too much in shock’ to see if there was anything she could do to help Brianna, and couldn’t call 999 as she ‘didn’t know how to get the words out’.

She denied using Brianna’s phone to send a message reading ‘Girl where are you?’ to ‘set up an alibi’, and said she couldn’t remember why she deleted a Snapchat exchange with her.

Girl X said she went straight to her room when she got home, avoiding her parents.

Asked why she didn’t raise the alarm as ‘there was a killer on the loose’, Girl X said she ‘couldn’t think straight’.

‘Was it because you were in it together and you didn’t want [Boy Y] to get caught?’ said Mrs Heer.

‘No,’ she answered, denying thinking they had ‘got away with it’.

Girl X denied that a Snapchat tribute she posted to Brianna the day after her death was an attempt to cover her tracks.

She insisted it was intended as ‘a memorial’ because she was ‘upset about what got done to Brianna’.

Girl X denied that the truth was that she and Boy Y had ‘lured’ Brianna to the park as part of a plan to kill her.

‘Is the truth that you helped [Boy Y] to stab Brianna?’ Mrs Heer asked.

‘No,’ Girl X replied.

‘Did you also stab her?’


‘You’ve lied to this jury just like you lied to the police,’ Mrs Heer said.

‘No,’ she answered.

Last week jurors heard how Boy Y – who has yet to give evidence – told police he had turned away to urinate behind a tree, and on looking back saw Girl X stabbing her ‘at least three times’.

Girl X, now 16, of Warrington, and Boy Y, also 16 and of Leigh, Greater Manchester, both deny murder.


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