Remarkable Entrance: High School Baby’s Birth Leaves Doctors Puzzled About Gender ‎

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A baby with mermaid syndrome was born in India’s Lakhimpur Kheri state. The baby’s legs were stuck together and it resembles a mermaid. Doctors were unable to determine the gender of the baby.

According to Times of India, a 22-year-old mother in India gave birth to a baby whose legs were stuck together.

When the nurses attending the birth saw the baby’s condition, they immediately reported the situation to the doctors. According to the doctors’ statement, the baby born with this condition called ‘mermaid syndrome’ (sirenomelia) was very weak and died an hour after birth.

Doctors tried to determine the gender of the baby. However, they were not successful in this. The gender of the baby could not be determined because its legs were together. For this reason, the baby could not be given a name.

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