“The developing tail on this Chinese baby has left many people feeling uneasy.”
Niu Niu was born with a rare body defect in the spine. A crack in the vertebrae of the spine creates space for the spine.
Gradually, the baby’s mother immediately noticed that this crack formed a tail, and it began to grow rapidly in size over time.
Niu Niu’s family took her to the hospital and begged the doctors to perform surgery to remove her tail. However, in this case, the hospital has not yet accepted surgery because this can have a bad impact on the baby’s body, leading to a series of symptoms such as paralysis and complete loss of body control. It is known that the tail has started to form since Niu Niu was still in the mother’s womb, the cause is predicted to be due to a deficiency of folic acid before and during pregnancy.
Earlier, also in China, a 7-month-old boy also carried a 10cm-long tail on his body. Tieu Vy’s parents – the baby’s name asked the doctor to save their son, but the hospital also did not dare to perform surgery to remove the tail.