Presenting Finn: The Exceptionally Funny and Self-Reliant Siberian Feline

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Erin and her fiancé Gabe acquired Finn from a breeder in the Fort Collins area and after an eight-month wait, they were thrilled to welcome Finn into their lives.

“The reason why we were looking for a Siberian was because my fiancé Gabe, has really bad cat allergies and the breed is known for being hypoallergenic,” shared Erin with We Love Cats and Kittens.

The breeder reassured them with a promise to take Finn back if any issues arose, but from the moment they met him, it was love at first sight.

Finn’s fearless, curious nature shone through immediately, confirming his love for exploration and affection towards people.

“He was not afraid of anything. He wanted to climb all over the car on the way home. And that’s really just been his personality, shared Erin.

Finn’s intelligence and adventurous spirit quickly became apparent, as he demonstrated his knack for locating treats and his fondness for greeting anyone he encountered.

Erin often takes Finn to various places, including breweries and outdoor dining areas, where he enjoys the company of others and becomes a beloved figure.

“He just loves being in the space of everybody. Everyone loves him and he’s really fun to have around.”

His first hiking experience in Lyons, Colorado, revealed his enthusiasm for the outdoors, eagerly leading the way and showing a distinct preference for the tranquility of nature over the bustling city noises.

“The moment we got him out of his bag, he just wanted to run. I was holding his leash and it felt like Finn was pulling me to try to make me go faster.”

They soon discovered that Finn’s curiosity extends to water, showing a particular interest in joining Erin by the bathtub and even cooling off in streams during hikes, like the memorable day at Maxwell Falls in Evergreen.

“We took him on a hike over the summertime,” explains Erin.

“It was a little warm out and he just plopped himself down in the stream and sat there and didn’t really want to get up.”

His adventures and interactions with water have endeared him even more to those around him.

Currently, Erin and Gabe are training Finn, who has already mastered tricks like High Five and Shake, with plans to teach him more to showcase his talents further.

Finn’s story shows us his unique and loving personality and the joy he brings to Erin and Gabe’s life.

Check him out in the video below:

And we’ve just heard the news that Finn now has a little brother – the little cutie with Finn below is Dash!

Erin and Gabe are sure that he’s going to be just as adventurous as his big brother.

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