Johnny Depp escaped being crushed by horse.

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He was nearly killed when a stunt went wrong while filming The Lone Ranger last year.

And now footage has emerged of the shocking moment Johnny Depp, who plays Tonto in the film, was thrown off his horse and trampled on the ground.

The clip begins with Depp and Armie Hammer, who takes the role of the Lone Ranger, on horses galloping along the sands of the desert where the film was being shot. 

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Shocking: Johnny Depp was nearly trampled to death by his horse as a stunt went wrong while filming The Lone Ranger

Shocking: Johnny Depp was nearly trampled to death by his horse as a stunt went wrong while filming The Lone Ranger

As the horses pick up speed, Depp’s steed is seen bucking, causing the actor to lose his grip and fall to the side.

The horse continues galloping as Depp clings to its mane, before eventually falling onto the ground.

Cast and crew are heard gasping and exclaiming ‘Woah, woah, woah’ as they observe the accident happening, before a voice is heard saying: ‘Stay back guys, apart from the medics.’

Near miss: Johnny's horse had jumped one of the obstacles in the desert causing him to fall off from the saddle

Near miss: Johnny’s horse had jumped one of the obstacles in the desert causing him to fall off from the saddle

To the rescue: Medics were seen rushing to Johnny's aid as he lay on the floor

To the rescue: Medics were seen rushing to Johnny’s aid as he lay on the floor

Careful now: Johnny was helped up by the medics, and appeared to be grimacing in pain

Careful now: Johnny was helped up by the medics, and appeared to be grimacing in pain

The camera then focuses on Depp, who appears in good spirits despite the near-death experience.

Joking with the movie’s director afterwards, Depp says: ‘Can I tell you what the positive thing is? That my coccyx didn’t take it.’

He then added: ‘Chicks dig a broken bone.’

While the behind the scenes featurette marks the first time we have seen footage of the accident, Depp opened up about what actually happened during an interview on David Letterman earlier this year.

Injured: The actor displays his bruised torso. He later admitted that the horse had 'clipped him' with its back leg

Injured: The actor displays his bruised torso. He later admitted that the horse had ‘clipped him’ with its back leg

Laughing through the pain: Depp was later well enough to joke about the incident with the movie's director

Laughing through the pain: Depp was later well enough to joke about the incident with the movie’s director

He explained: ‘There was one moment in particular where it got unpleasant. The horses had been running all day so they weren’t interesting in slowing down at all. My horse decided to jump a couple of obstacles in the desert but the horse was unaware that the saddle was fake – to give the effect that i was riding bareback.

‘So when we came down the saddle slipped and I went to the left, and grabbed the mane of the horse. And then the next thing i saw were these very muscular horse legs, this death machine, and one word popped into my head: “Hooves”.

‘I figured fear would kick in but it didn’t, I was very calm.’

From the beginning: Depp stars as Tonto in the film alongside Armie Hammer as John Reid

From the beginning: Depp stars as Tonto in the film alongside Armie Hammer as John Reid

Depp isn’t the only member of he cast to put his life at risk for the best shots, as Armie is also involved in some death-defying stunts.

And speaking about the danger involved, director Gore Verbinski explains: ‘This is really dangerous.And it’s not only dangerous, it’s also really hard to achieve.

‘It was the hardest thing I have ever made but that’s good because it feels like we are creating something completely new and exciting.’

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