Introducing Manchester, the cute, chubby, short-legged cat that is winning people over on social media with his unstoppable charisma.

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His black and white body is only four inches from the ground but the adorable kitten has almost 60k followers on Instagram.

This adorable kitten has almost 60k followers on Instagram

This adorable kitten has almost 60k followers on InstagramCredit: Jam Press

The kitty is called Manchester after his owner's favourite football team, Man-U

The kitty is called Manchester after his owner’s favourite football team, Man-UCredit: Jam Press

Owner Alexander Ushakov, 36, of Moscow, Russia, named him Manchester after his favourite football team Manchester United.

He said: “He is always meowing, loves playing mad games, and is always running around the house.”

‘Manchester was born on September 15, 2018 and I bought him at the age of 4 months,’ Alexander explained.

‘I decided to call him Manchester in honour of the Manchester United football team as I have been a fan of them since 1998.

‘I decided to create an Instagram account for him because I thought he was cute enough to please other people.

“As it turned out, he has quite a lot of fans!’

Adorable feline Manchester is always meowing

Adorable feline Manchester is always meowingCredit: Jam Press

His owner says he loves to play games

His owner says he loves to play games Credit: Jam Press

Manchester has gained a loyal online following


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