What are the most dangerous animals on the planet?

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In Cabo, local fishermen will tell you that sharks are not what you should be afraid of, what actually scares them is this creature and its known as the Humboldt squid, but to the many people that had an unfortunate encounter with the squid, they would suitably call it the Red Devil.

These guys are known for being extremely predatory. They have been known to attack people, with one diver being mauled by a Humboldt and nearly lost his arm. Another female diver got attacked by these Red Devils and she swore that the Squid tried to remove her mask and drown her.

In 2016 Scott Cassell experienced first-hand what these squids could do and he even caught the entire thing on tape. Scott is an experienced diver and was diving off the coast off Bahasudd in Mexico where he was filming a video for animal Planet.

As he was filming underwater he started to notice shadows around the corner of his eyes circling him. It didn’t take him long to realise he was surrounded by hundreds of Humboldt Squid. Knowing the dangers around these creatures, Scott Immediately tried to ascend and get out of the water, but because these creatures are extremely predatory they caught on to this and immediately begun their vicious attack on Scott.

In screen-shots of the video you can see that the squids were grabbing onto anything, including his camera equipment. Then they started tackling him and ended up dislocating his shoulder. One of the squids then wrapped around him and started dragging him underneath the water extremely fast. Because he didn’t have any time to adjust to the depts of the water his eardrums exploded because he was going down way too fast.

Miraculously, Scott was able to break free and started going towards the top of the water, but the Squids were not ready to let him go. The Squids started chasing after him, attacking him and throwing themselves onto him. One of the Squids then launched themselves directly at Scott’s wrist which ended up breaking it. In the video you can here Scott screaming out in pain.

Fortunately for Scott he was able to make to the surface, even though he only had the use of one hand, before being pulled to safety.

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